NEW!’s most powerful devices yet: Horizon IX hearing aids.

Hearing Aids Maintenance and Care Tips

Whether you’ve had hearing aids for a while or you just got your first pair, hearing aid maintenance is an important part of hearing your best as well as protecting your devices from wear and tear. From cleaning them with the right type of cloth to making sure you’re storing them correctly, making hearing aid care and maintenance part of your daily routine will help ensure your devices last for years to come.

Specific maintenance can vary depending on the type and model of your hearing aids. For example, the Horizon Go IX hearing aids come with a maintenance guide with step-by-step instructions. Be sure to check your specific manufacturer's instructions or ask your hearing care specialist if you have questions about hearing aid care.

Here is a general hearing aid maintenance checklist to help you get started.

Tips for Maintaining Hearing Aids

  • Clean your hearing aids regularly: Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the outside of your hearing aids. Don’t use water or any type of cleaning solution as they can damage the components.

Be on the lookout for earwax buildup, which can affect the performance. If you notice a buildup on your devices or in your ears, or have questions on how to best clean your hearing aids, reach out to your hearing care specialist. The guide that came with your hearing aids should also have instructions on proper cleaning for all parts of your hearing aids.

  • Handle them carefully: As with any device you own, you’ll want to handle your hearing aids carefully; avoid dropping them and putting any type of pressure on them. Consider inserting and removing them over a soft surface, such as a towel or bed, in case you drop them on accident.
  • Store them correctly: When not in use, store your hearing aids in their appropriate case or charging station. Not only will you always know where they are, it helps protect them from dust, debris, and damage. Avoid storing them in extreme temperatures and direct sunlight, too. Check with your hearing specialist or manufacturer to make sure you understand how to care for your rechargeable or disposable hearing aid batteries as well.
  • Avoid moisture: Be sure to remove your hearing aids before showering, swimming, and participating in other water activities. Even if your devices are water resistant, you’ll want to keep them as dry as possible. Hearing aid dehumidifiers and drying kits are also available to help keep your hearing aids dry.
  • Schedule professional appointments: Nothing beats a professional cleaning. Have your hearing aids assessed and cleaned by your hearing specialist 2-4 times a year to keep them operating at their best and catch any issues early on. They can also give you pointers and tips if needed.
  • Take advantage of software updates: Just like smartphones and computers, some hearing aids can receive software updates to improve performance. Check on any updates from the manufacturer. You can also talk to your hearing specialist about keeping your hearing aids up to date.

Contact a hearing specialist

If you have questions about hearing aid maintenance, or are looking for your first pair of hearing aids, contact one of our helpful hearing specialists today. We’ll match you with the best pair for your individual needs and lifestyle. We’ve helped more than 100,000 people hear better and live their best. We’re here to help you, too, every step of the way.

Dr. Emily Smith

Dr. Emily Smith is a lead audiologist at, a global leader in hearing care and the largest online retailer of medical-grade hearing aids. Dr. Smith graduated from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and has performed hundreds of Teleaudiology appointments to help people find greater access to hearing healthcare. Outside of audiology, Dr. Smith enjoys spending time hiking, skiing, and traveling with her friends and family, and has two dogs, Baxter and Piper.

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