Download Sony Hearing Control App on iPhone |
Quickly download the Sony Hearing Control App on your iPhone for seamless hearing aid management.
Download Sony Hearing Control App on Android |
Quickly download the Sony Hearing Control App on your Android for seamless hearing aid management.
Create Sony account for hearing aids with iPhone |
Create a Sony account on your iPhone for easy management of your hearing aids.
Create Sony account for hearing aids with Android |
Create a Sony account on your Android for easy management of your hearing aids.
How to connect Sony CRE-E10 Hearing Aids to iPhone via Bluetooth |
Connect your Sony CRE-E10 hearing aids to iPhone Bluetooth for instant, clear audio.
How to connect Sony CRE-E10 Hearing Aids to Android via Bluetooth |
Connect your Sony CRE-E10 hearing aids to Android Bluetooth for instant, clear audio.
Take our free 2-minute question-based hearing test!
It will help you make an informed decision on treating your hearing loss.